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Moroccan Tiles Sew Along – Week 6

A group of people that are sewing together.

Week 6 is here, and we’re finally in the home stretch!! Many of you have already completed the baby size and pieced your tops, and you’re ahead of the game. Last week, I popped in a catch up week due to the holiday weekend, and I hope you got to enjoy some time with your family (or squeezed in some extra sewing time 😉

What to do for Week 6:

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Moroccan Tiles Sew Along – Week 5

A bunch of different colored paper on top of a wall.

Guys!! We’re starting Week 5 of the Moroccan Tiles sew along! I’m putting up the week 5 post as scheduled, but week 5 is going to be 2 weeks long. So you’ve got until 11:59PM CST July 12 to post your remaining 3 blocks for the throw size. If you decided to go the route of baby quilt and you’ve already completed all your blocks, just post something Moroccan Tiles related. It can be your binding/backing fabric, another shot of your blocks, you sewing, anything having to do with the sew along! You’ll have an extra week this week because the end of week 5 initially fell on 4th of July weekend. We don’t have plans to travel, but a lot of people do. I don’t want to hassle you with a deadline when you’re trying to spend some quality time with the family!

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Moroccan Tiles Sew Along – Week 3

A group of three pieces of fabric sitting on top of a wall.

This week, we’ll be focusing on sewing together blocks 1, 2, and 3. If you’re brand new to sewing curves, I’ve got some great tips for you and some video tutorials to help you out. I made quite a few videos in case you’re a newbie, and it may seem like overkill, but I wanted there to be plenty of help available if you needed it. If you’re a seasoned curves-sewist, feel free to skip them!

The first time I sewed curved pieces, I was really intimidated by it all. Honestly, the first few blocks I made looked awful, I had puckers in my fabric, and it obviously wasn’t clicking with me. If this is you too, please hang in there! Practice makes it so much easier. There are several ways to sew curves together, and two of my favorites are pinning the fabric, and not pinning the fabric. I’ve made some videos to help, and you can see them here.

Alright, so here’s the breakdown for Week Two:

  • Sew together 3 complete Moroccan Tiles blocks
    • the SAL is paced for the throw size (9 blocks), but you can easily make more blocks per week to accommodate the larger sizes, or make less per week to make the baby size.
  • Follow steps #6-15 on pages 8-11 of your Moroccan Tiles pattern to assemble each block.
  • Don’t forget to match those stripes or fussy cuts if you went that route. I like to pin to match the patterns, or you can try glue basting for a great no-shift match!
  • This week, post a picture of your 3 blocks on Instagram using the #moroccantilessewalong hashtag.
    I’ll be randomly picking one winner from week three (you have to post the week 3 prompt on Instagram with the hashtag by 6/21/2019 at 11:59 CST) to win an awesome prize!  This week’s prize is a SunPrint 2019 FQ bundle from Sew Modern Chicky (the SAL shop sponsor). Check out the Original Sew Along post for more details & the rules.
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Moroccan Tiles Sew Along – Week 2

A person using a pair of scissors to cut fabric.

Week 2

We’re moving right along into Week 2 of the Moroccan Tiles Sew Along!  Head over to the Original SAL Post to review the details and schedule, if you need to.

YouTube tutorials

If you haven’t seen the list of video tutorials for the Moroccan Tiles quilt (they’re listed on page 2 of the pattern), you can see the full playlist of tips and tricks I made specifically for the sew along below. It starts with some different variations of the quilt (you can skip right through that video and onto the next), and goes right into using the templates.

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Quilting Hack – Stack and cut to save time

A person cutting fabric with a green cutter.

Everyone’s favorite thing to do is spend an entire day cutting out all the pieces of a quilt, right? UGGGGHHHH. I just cringed thinking about it. I want to sew, sew, sew–can’t someone else just do the cutting for me and lay everything out all nice and neat? Is that what heaven is going to be like? If this all sounds good to you, you’re going to LOVE the stack and cut method.

We all just want to spend our free time sewing and not doing the gross part that takes forever. When I’m cutting out the same shapes from different fabrics, I like to save a little time and stack and cut the fabrics together. It’s super easy and a HUGE time saver. Here’s what you need to do:

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Moroccan Tiles Sew Along – Week 1

A close up of pencils and a pair of scissors

Yes!!!  This is it, the start of the Moroccan Tiles Sew Along!  I’m so excited to start sewing with y’all.  Don’t forget to sign up for the SEW ALONG E-MAILS if you haven’t already so you don’t miss out on anything. You’ll get access to some great extras once you sign up for the sew along emails.

So if you missed the original sew along post, I’m going to run through the details once more here:

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How to Fussy Cut Fabric

A collage of pictures with the words how to fussy-cut prints.

Fussy cutting. What does that even mean? My mother literally asked me that question after I posted a picture of one of my Moroccan Tiles quilt blocks on Instagram the other day. My sweet mother doesn’t sew (except for general mending). This was the picture I posted:

A green and pink flower with many circles
Fabrics are from Leslie Tucker Jenison’s Urban Garden and Tula Pink’s All Stars. Quilt pattern is Moroccan Tiles by me.

So- back to the question. What is fussy cutting? Well, “fussy” generally means pain in the rear, right? And cutting…well–that’s pretty self explanatory. So there you go mom! Fussy cutting = pain in the rear cutting!

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Moroccan Tiles Summer Sew Along

A series of fabric pull blocks with the words " moroccan tiles summer sew along ".

Are you gearing up for some fun summer sewing? If you’re like me, I like to plan my projects a few weeks in advance so I have time to pick the perfect fabrics. Then there’s no mad dash to gather fabrics and decide on the layout. If you follow along on Instagram, I’ve been posting a lot about the Moroccan Tiles Quilt pattern. Pairing solid fabrics and stripes with this one is so much fun! We really need a new quilt for our bed, so I had planned out the king sized version to make this summer. I thought since I’d already be making one, why not do a fun Moroccan Tiles Summer Sew Along and make one with friends!?

Join in the fun, and if you’re interested, you can RSVP for the sew along here. Emails will go out at the start of each week to remind you of what’s going on that week in the sew along and what the prize is for completing that week’s task. There is a great post about the Moroccan Tiles Quilt that gives video links for tips and tricks, and has some various colorways for inspiration. You can check that out here!

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