Week 2
We’re moving right along into Week 2 of the Moroccan Tiles Sew Along! Head over to the Original SAL Post to review the details and schedule, if you need to.
YouTube tutorials
If you haven’t seen the list of video tutorials for the Moroccan Tiles quilt (they’re listed on page 2 of the pattern), you can see the full playlist of tips and tricks I made specifically for the sew along below. It starts with some different variations of the quilt (you can skip right through that video and onto the next), and goes right into using the templates.
The Sew Along
Materials Needed:
- The Moroccan Tiles Quilt Pattern
- Select the size you want and grab your fabric:
Fabric Discount!
Sew Modern Chicky has joined in the SAL fun to bring all SAL participants a 15% discount on fabrics purchased from her shop! She has a great selection of current and modern fabrics, so you’ll want to take advantage of this Coupon code can be found in the weekly SAL emails.
How to Participate:
Post Your progress on Instagram using the hashtag #moroccantilessewalong
Be sure to include the hashtag when you post to Instagram so everyone else can see what you’re up to, and if you’re in the US, you can enter to win prizes :). Just make sure you post the weekly prompt to IG by 11:59 CST on the Friday that ends that week.

Alright, so here’s the breakdown for Week Two:
- Select the size you want to make for the sew along
- the SAL is paced for the throw size, but you can easily make more blocks per week to accommodate the larger sizes, or make less per week to make the baby size.
- I like to label my fabric for easier cutting – “Fabric A”, “Fabric B”, “Fabric C”
- Block cutting instructions are found on page 5 of the pattern
- The chart lists amounts to cut PER BLOCK. The chart below the cutting instructions indicates how many blocks per quilt size are needed.
- Decide if you’ll be fussy cutting special prints, or just standard cutting.
- Need help with fussy cutting? I’ve got you! Check out this tutorial:
- If you’d like to cut down on your cutting time, I posted a tutorial for how to stack and cut several fabrics at once. You can see the tutorial here:
- This week, post a picture of your stacks of cut fabric on Instagram using the #moroccantilessewalong hashtag.
- I’ll be randomly picking one winner from week two (you have to post the week 2 prompt on Instagram with the hashtag by 6/14/2019 at 11:59 CST) to win an awesome prize! This week’s prize is a Wool pressing mat, sponsored by Kustom Kwilts (me!) that I purchased from Sew Modern Chicky. Check out the Original Sew Along post for more details & the rules.
Pattern Correction
As we head into week 3, there is a minor pattern correction you’ll need to take note of. You can find the details here.
Next week, we’ll be assembling blocks 1-3!
Moroccan Tiles Sew Along Posts:
Week One – Fabric Pull