Quilt Along – Week Five
We’re moving right along into Week Five of the Cheeky Churn Dash Quilt Along!
Congratulations to Tracie M. for snagging the Week Three prize-a sweet fat quarter bundle and thread set from Crafter’s Companion! This bundle was sponsored by Crafter’s Companion. This were Tracies’s HSTs and accordion from week three:
A quick review of what we’ve done so far–scroll to the bottom of this page for links to each weekly post.
Fabric Discount!
Jennifer at Knotted Threads on Etsy has joined in the Quilt Along fun to bring all Cheeky Churn Dash QAL participants a 10% discount on fabrics purchased from her shop! She has a great selection of current and modern fabrics, so you’ll want to take advantage of this  Use the coupon code: CHEEKYCHURNDASH at checkout.
How to Participate:
Post Your progress on Instagram using the hashtag #cheekychurndashquiltalong
Be sure to include the hashtag when you post to Instagram so everyone else can see what you’re up to, and if you’re in the US, you can enter to win prizesÂ
Stay in the loop!
If you haven’t signed up for the weekly emails that will go out for the Quilt Along, sign up here. There might be some added info and bonus content for you as a little treat!
Alright, so here’s the breakdown for Week Five:
- In Week Four, we squared up and trimmed all our HST blocks to the correct size, based on the selected option. Here’s the action list to complete for Week Five!
- Take a look at your coloring sheet–if you have a specific layout in mind for your HSTs.
- I like to have a pretty specific plan for my Cheeky Churn Dash before I start sewing, so I lay out the HST blocks for section 1 (we’re on pages 8-11 for Option A, and 19-20 for Option B in your pattern), then sew them together and press.
- Assemble sections 1, 3, 7, and 9. These are the outermost corners of your quilt. They all have the same construction, except they are slightly rotated 90 degrees each time.
- Make sure you check that you pin at your seam intersections whenever you have a seam intersection so everything lines up as it should:
- Double check your layout prior to sewing each section together, and press when you’re done!
- This week, post a picture of your completed sections 1, 3, 7, and 9 on Instagram using the #cheekychurndashquiltalong hashtag. The sections can be all in one picture, or you can do multiple pics in one post, or multiple posts. As long as all four completed sections are posted, you’ll be good to go. Be sure you post your IG picture with the hashtag before the start of Week Six to qualify for this week’s prize!
- This week’s prize is sponsored by Olfa! I love using Olfa Rotary cutters because they precisely cut whatever I need and have great safety features. I’m so excited that they’ve jumped on board to sponsor a great prize for Week Five.
Next week is a catch up week, so don’t fret if you’re behind
Cheeky Churn Dash Quilt Along Posts:
Week One – Introduce yourself and gather your fabrics
Week Two – Starch and cut your fabrics
Week Three – Assemble and press the HSTs
Week Four – Square up and trim all HST blocks
[…] Week Five – Assemble sections 1, 3, 7, and 9 […]