Have you guys seen Sheri of Whole Circle Studio’s newest pattern? It’s called the Typecast of Characters, and it’s an amazingly fun English Paper Piecing pattern that lets you create the entire alphabet and customize it to your heart’s desire. You can snag your copy of the pattern guide and paper packs here.

I am a die hard EPP fan, and I’m always looking for a fun project, especially when it involves hand sewing. I was thrilled to be able to join in Sheri’s blog hop and stitch up the letter “Q”…for Quilt!!! I love to stitch up small projects while I’m on the elliptical because I HATE exercising and it makes the time go by so much faster 😉
Stitching up my first letter
I knew I wanted the letters of my fabric to include some kind of sewing theme, and I stitched up a really cute version for my first Q in pink and aqua. These letters are so addicting, I needed to make another one.

For my second letter…
For my second letter, I wanted to incorporate the letter Q into a mini quilt and do some fun ruler work on my longarm to quilt in some ghost letters. I used a sewing themed low volume paired with KONA’s color of the year-Splash. You can never have enough mini quilts, right? So I prepped all my pieces and glue basted them to the papers that come with Sheri’s pattern. We were just about to pack up the car and make the 14 hour drive to QuiltCon in Nashville, so I was really excited to be able to sew this on the way. I organized each little section with some clover clips and slipped them into my EPP bag before we hit the road.
All my pieces cut out and glue basted Organized! Yay!!
I took a couple of progress shots along the way, but pictures in the car aren’t ideal. This is one from the first night at our AirBNB in Little Rock that we stopped at on our way to Nashville. It was the cutest little house and perfect for pictures!

I ran into Sheri at QuiltCon and snapped this glamour shot of the two of us with my newly finished “Q” block!

Making the mini quilt
Once I returned from QuiltCon, I added some fabric to the top, bottom, and sides of the Q and loaded it on my longarm. I quilted up some fun interwoven straight lines and used a stencil I made to quilt around the ghost letters. I really love how it turned out and can’t wait to hang it up over my sewing machine. I think I need to make my daughter a cool sign with her name in it next 🙂 !
I’ve loved sharing this project with you and I hope you’ll check out Sheri’s fantastic pattern. You can pick up your copy of the pattern guide and paper packs for all the letters at Sheri’s website. Don’t forget to check out all the other letters in the Typecast of Characters by the other makers! Happy sewing 😉
Catch up on the other makers in the Typecast tour:
TYPECAST OF CHARACTERS BLOG TOUR hosted by Whole Circle Studio:
• Wednesday, March 27: Tour Introduction by Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 1 — A: Kate Brennan of Aurifil
• Tuesday, April 2 — B: Mathew Bourdreaux of Mister Domestic
• Wednesday, April 3 — C: Tara Curtis of Wefty Needle
• Thursday, April 4— D: Leah Day of Free Motion Quilting Project
• Friday, April 5 — Week 1 Wrap Up featuring A-D and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 8 — E: Jess Finn of Paper Pieces
• Tuesday, April 9 — F: Sylvia Schaefer of Flying Parrot Quilts
• Wednesday, April 10 — G: Giuseppe Ribaudo of Giucy Giuce
• Thursday, April 11— H: Hilary Jordan of By Hilary Jordan
• Friday, April 12 — Week 2 Wrap Up featuring E-H and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 15 — I: Kim Soper of Leland Ave Studios
• Tuesday, April 16 — J: Yvonne Fuchs of Quilting Jetgirl
• Wednesday, April 17 — K: Karen O’Connor of Lady K Quilts
• Thursday, April 18 — L: Kristy Daum of St. Louis Folk Victorian
• Friday, April 19 — Week 3 Wrap Up featuring I-L and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 22 — M: Molli Sparkles of Molli Sparkles
• Tuesday, April 23 — N: Nicole Daksiewicz of Modern Handcraft
• Wednesday, April 24 — O: Scott Hansen of Blue Nickel Studios
• Thursday, April 25 — P: Pat Sloan of Pat Sloan
• Friday, April 26 — Week 4 Wrap Up featuring M-P and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 29 — Q: Joanna Marsh of Kustom Kwilts
• Monday, April 29 — Q: Lindsay Széchényi of Lindsay Széchényi (and Patchwork Threads)
• Tuesday, April 30 — R: Andrea Tsang Jackson of 3rd Story Workshop
• Wednesday, May 1 — S: Sarah Thomas of Sariditty
• Thursday, May 2 — T: Rachel Rossi of Rachel Rossi
• Friday, May 3— Week 4 Wrap Up featuring Q-T and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, May 6 — U: Kitty Wilkin of Night Quilter
• Tuesday, May 7 — V: Jenn McMillan of Fabric, Ink
• Wednesday, May 8 — W: Jenny Meeker of Bobbin Roulette Studio
• Thursday, May 9 — X: Stephanie Kendron of Modern Sewciety
• Friday, May 10 — Week 5 Wrap Up featuring U-X and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, May 13 — Y: Debby Brown of Debby Brown Quilts
• Tuesday, May 14 — Z: Nisha Bouri and Kim Martucci of Brimfield Awakening
• Wednesday, May 15 — Week 6 Wrap Up featuring Y-Z, Tour closeout and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
[…] first time at QuiltCon 2019. Her Q was well underway and she brought it to show me. Head on over to Joanna’s blog to get all of the details about how she made and quilted her Typecast […]