Lighting was also a huge issue. It always seemed really dark, especially since I just had to paint the walls teal and the ceiling an even darker shade of said color. So that was addressed as well.
I finally decided something had to change when I gashed my leg open on the corner of a rotary ruler that I had propped up against my sewing table. Notice that I said rotary RULER. Not rotary cutter. Yes. I am that much of a slob that I cut myself with a ruler.
I know it has been a LOOOOONG time since my last post, and I’m determined to make a change…as you will see in the after pictures! I have spent the last week thoroughly enjoying myself in my sewing “studio” now that I actually have the space and organization to get some work done. I would estimate that I spent roughly $300 on shelves, bins, containers, hardware, etc. But I would do it all again and then some. It also took me 4 days, and I usually do not stay committed to a project that involves cleaning and organizing for that long, so I was extra proud of myself. And…drum roll please! It’s been clean for over a week now.
I know I have probably given some of you a panic attack with the first 5 pictures. But take comfort in knowing that if I can do it, anyone can.
Even if you don’t have a room devoted to your hobby, you can’t get anything done if you can’t FIND anything in the area without tripping over a body.
The only major changes I made in the room were the following:
-took all my textbooks from college that I never use off the bookshelf and put them in boxes.
-purchased Closet Maid shelves from Wal-Mart and Home Depot and installed them
-moved all surface areas (tables) to walls
-purchased organizing bins from Wal-Mart and used them to group similar objects together
-purchased and installed new lighting fixtures above the sewing machines
Hopefully, your situation is not as dire as mine was…but if it is…hop to it so you can be more productive!